Worship Service Times: 9 am & 11 am

Plan Your Visit

What to Expect

Contemporary Service

We worship the Lord at our 9am service in a reverent but relaxed atmosphere. You will hear the Word spoken and preached, we will sing modern worship songs and updated hymns, and we will take time to pray for each other and our world. The familiar, core elements of worship are in place, but we engage then in a way that is accessible and meaningful for folks who are not as familiar with “churchy” settings. Our Contemporary Service meets in the Fellowship Hall, which is on the north side of our campus and faces Seminole Road.

11am Traditional Service

We worship the Lord at our 11am service in a manner that fits with our Methodist heritage. We follow a traditional order of worship, sing hymns, and hear the Word spoken in a more formal environment. While our traditional style may not be familiar for some these days, we strive for all who worship with us to find it meaningful, as we believe that God is faithful to meet us when we genuinely worship in any style. The Traditional Service meets in our Sanctuary on the south side of campus, facing W Gordon Street.

Adult Ministry

The mission of Adult Ministries at Thomaston First to help all of our adult disciples embrace Jesus, embody His love, and extend that love into the community. We are pursuing that mission by creating spaces for our people to develop friendships, deepen their understanding of God’s story, and serve God’s mission in the world. Adult Ministries at Thomaston First range from traditional Sunday schools and small groups, to senior living and community groups, to groups that exist to serve and love our community. And each Wednesday night during the school year our community gathers together for a meal, fellowship, and time to explore the scriptures with friends.

Children’s Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14 At Thomaston First we are striving to create a warm, loving environment for children to hear the Good News about Jesus and learn to be His disciples among friends. We want all the children who participate with us to build a strong foundation in biblical knowledge, develop a love for worship, and begin to serve the church and community in Christ’s name. We pursue these goals through Children’s Church, Sunday School, Wonderful Wednesdays, and special events throughout the year.

Youth Ministry

The goal for our Youth Ministry at at Thomaston First is to develop loving, lasting relationships with our youth, through which we support their growth as disciples of Jesus. We believe that is done by consistently modeling Christlike habits in the context of relationship, taking them deeper into the scriptures, and partnering with them in serving their community. Our youth group meets each Sunday morning, once per week in the evening, and we have of plenty of fun events to keep us learning and laughing together along the way.

Music Ministry

We have a variety of music ministries that provide opportunities for the artists and music lovers amongst us to share their gifts and passions with the church. The Contemporary Band plays at the 9am service on Sundays and practices on Wednesday evenings at 6pm. Our Chancel Choir sings at the 11am Traditional Service and practices at 6pm on Sunday evenings. The Bell Choir plays on selected Sundays at the Traditional Service and practices at 5pm on Sunday afternoons.

Our Ministry Team

John Halley

Senior Pastor

Pat Dodson

Music Director

Kristie Wilder

PreSchool Director

Blair Cox

Tech Director

Madison Ruttinger

Youth Director

Betsy Stewart

Children's Director

Carolyn Ellington

Adm Assist/Finance

Danny Stevens
